Therapy for Adolescents

Denver Therapist and Virtual throughout Colorado

Navigating Adolescence

  • Peer Pressure and Social Anxiety: There can be immense pressure to fit in with peer groups to avoid feeling ostracized; and social anxieties can create constant worries about what others think.

  • Low Self-Esteem and Body Image Issues: Constant comparisons of oneself to the unrealistic standards portrayed in the media can bring up experiences of shame and isolations.

  • Identity Confusion: You're a teenager who feels confused about your identity. You might be questioning your sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural background, or personal values. This uncertainty can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Teen Counseling

The teenage years are a time of profound growth and change, marked by a whirlwind of emotions, identity exploration, and evolving relationships. Adolescents often encounter challenges navigating these complexities, which can impact their mental health and well-being. My therapy services aim to address these challenges head-on, fostering a supportive environment for growth, self-discovery, and resilience.

What is Therapy with Adolescents?

Looking up at trees like teens after therapy

My Approach  

My approach to adolescent therapy is holistic, encompassing various evidence-based techniques tailored to each individual's unique needs. I believe in: 

1. Building Trust: Establishing a trusting relationship is fundamental to effective therapy. I create a safe, non-judgmental space where adolescents feel comfortable expressing themselves. 

2. Collaboration: I involve both the adolescent and their support system (parents, guardians, teachers) when appropriate, fostering collaboration to ensure comprehensive support. 

3. Tailored Interventions: Therapy plans are customized to address specific concerns, whether it's anxiety, depression, self-esteem, peer relationships, academic stress, or behavioral issues. 

4. Skill Development: I empower adolescents with practical coping skills, emotional regulation techniques, and tools to navigate life's challenges effectively. 

What I Address 

My therapy services cover a wide range of adolescent issues, including but not limited to: 

  • Anxiety and Stress Management: Providing strategies to cope with academic pressure, social anxiety, and future uncertainties. 

  • Depression and Mood Regulation: Supporting adolescents in understanding and managing their emotions, fostering resilience and hope. 

  • Identity Exploration: Assisting in navigating questions related to self-identity, gender, sexuality, and societal expectations. 

  • Family Dynamics: Helping navigate family conflicts, communication issues, and fostering healthier relationships at home. 

  • Peer Relationships: Developing social skills and navigating friendships, peer pressure, and social dynamics. 

 If you would more information, email Laura or check out the contact page.

Yellow flowers grouped together symbolizing teens therapy clients

Adolescent Therapy: Empowering Teens Through Resilience